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Toshiba: HD HD over?

Despite conflicting information, it increasingly looks like the format war is slowly coming to an end.

An insider, shrouded in obscurity, said in a short but to the point statement that Toshiba considers the format war to be virtually over, and that it is only a matter of days before it officially announces that it is withdrawing from HD DVD, thereby "leaving" its own development. In the world of IT, there is no retribution, so despite Toshiba's denials, we can say that Sony can be considered the winner of the format war, and the rival is unable to swallow the billions of dollars in losses invested in HD DVD.

Jodi Sally, Toshiba’s director of marketing, said that despite the extremely unfavorable events of the past, they are sticking to HD DVD, watching market reactions and working hard to make discs and players as cheap as possible.

Toshiba is over for HD DVD

In an official statement, Toshiba's Japanese headquarters refuted the statements about the "death" of HD DVD: according to them, for the time being, only the company's business strategies are being reviewed and evaluated, and then it will decide on the future of HD DVD in the spirit of this, but a final agreement has not yet been reached, so all related news just speculation.

Whether we really got to the last chapter of the format war will certainly be answered in the coming weeks. The events of the Warner Brothers announcement in early January Toshiba lost support for major companies such as New Line Cinema film studio, the Best Buy retail chain and Wal-Mart retail company to name just a few.

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