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Radeon HD 2900 XT vs. GeForce 8800 Ultra images

Based on images from, we can find out what the top card of AMD-ATI’s soon-to-be debut actually is.

Although it was known from previous photos and technical information about the card that the Radeon HD 8800 XT is closer in size to the GeForce 2900 GTS, the images below illustrate the dimensions of the card much better than the dry figures. True, the comparison with the aforementioned 8800 GTS would have been interesting, as the 8800 GTX / Ultra is primarily considered an opponent of the HD 2900 XTX.

Radeon HD 2900 XT vs. GeForce 8800 Ultra images

Radeon HD 2900 XT vs. GeForce 8800 Ultra images

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