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Practical, portable charger for iPhone

You can see a video of a handy portable charger.

Surely everyone has had his phone run out at the worst possible time. Of course, we can't find a charger anywhere right away, but on a bus, train, or even in the middle of the street, even if we have a charger, we couldn't use it. In this case, a small space-consuming charger comes in handy, which can even be pulled out of the inside pocket of our jacket anywhere. The following is a video of such a structure:

The device requires 3 AAA batteries, which can be found in almost any store, and it already charges your iPad or iPhone. Browsing the internet, you can find similar structures for almost any brand for $10-$20. If you spend a lot of time in places where you cannot charge your phone, it is definitely recommended to get a "gadget" like this!

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