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Scoring for the XBOX360 starts on Friday!

So on Friday, our game will start, which will be the last in this form, so whoever wants to play should do so now.


The prize, as we wrote, will be a Microsoft console that our visitor who collects the most points will be able to take home in early March under the terms of the policy.

We would also have a private request for the game. If possible, the forum of sites dealing with topics like ours should not become a hunting ground. This bothers the forumers there and understandably bothers the operators of the site. We would like to maintain a good relationship with these sites and their operators, if possible, so please comply with this request.

The rules of the game can still be found in the HOC main menu "HOC ScoreThe menu at the end of the rules will take you to the game 's scores page, where at zero o'clock everyone will start the February game with a clean slate.

We wish everyone good luck with the game!

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