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Does not have mercy on Chrome 68

Does not have mercy on Chrome 68

The new version, which arrives in a matter of seconds, will “land” on pages that use an HTTP connection.

Does not have mercy on Chrome 68


Google believes that all websites should be protected by HTTPS, even if there is no sensitive data traffic on it - e.g. banking, shopping, etc. Of course, these efforts by the search giant are focused on safer internet browsing. In light of the above, Chrome 68 will mark pages that have not (yet) switched to HTTPS as “unsafe”. Anyway, things are only seemingly going to happen overnight, Google announced this move months ago.

Treatment of HTTP Pages1x

According to statistics, in February, the proportion of HTTPS sites was 68% on Windows (78% on Chrome OS and Mac), and 100 of the top 81 websites used a secure connection.


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