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Leadtek 7800 GT with individual cooling

Leadtek was not satisfied with NVIDIA's "factory" solution, and came up with a new one instead.

It is by no means unusual that a Leadtek video card does not have the reference cooling, but it is definitely unusual that the Leadtek cooling does not have a dough filter above the fan.

Leadtek 7800 GT with individual cooling

Leadtek engineers have given a lot to the look in recent years, so they also paid attention to the look of their cooling. Lighting and a metal grille were almost a must-have accessory, until now. Their new card, which is based on the 7800 GT core manufactured by NVIDIA, has been given a completely puritanical-looking cooling, in the form of which it is perhaps the solution for ASUS. The simple exterior can, of course, cover good performance and given the quality of the hardware manufactured by Leadtek, we have every chance to do so.

Leadtek 7800 GT with individual cooling

In other respects, the starting price of the 7800 GT card in Japan is ~ 43 yen, which is roughly equivalent to 000 forints.

Leadtek 7800 GT with individual cooling

Leadtek 7800 GT with individual cooling

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