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Serious money is moving in online gaming

In the gaming retail market, online sales are slicing a growing slice. This is partly due to the fact that the largest-selling domestic toy web store, Mä, achieved almost forty percent growth in 140 with 2013 orders, generating revenue of HUF 1,4 billion.gamenetAccording to the company's experience, customers are no longer reluctant to pay online, for example, the number of credit card payments increased almost one and a half times during the Christmas season.

Domestic online game distributors can be happy, as internet sales also expanded in 2013. The Mä Webshop estimates that the domestic market amounted to HUF 2013-30 billion in 40, of which about 10 percent was sold online. This trend is expected to continue in 2014, while the market as a whole faces serious challenges.

Celebrating its 7th birthday, Mä Webshop achieved sales revenue of approximately HUF 2013 billion in 1,4, which represents an increase of almost 40 percent compared to 2012. The double-digit growth also brought international success to the company, which was the only Hungarian entrant to enter the regional top 50 field of the Deloitte Technology Fast 10 competition and won the title of the fastest growing Hungarian technology company. Order numbers also increased by nearly 40 percent, so the web store registered more than 140 orders. According to the specifics of the toy market, the strongest period with nearly 70 orders was the two months before Christmas. 

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