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IBM recruits at night

They are researching talented young people of the future with special recruitment techniques.

Is it only the privilege of the spirits and tobacco industry to recruit fans of one of its products at the most popular nightclubs? At IBM, they thought, if it worked for others, why they couldn’t use this method to advertise job opportunities. IBM's business service center in Budapest, IBM ISSC, which is already full of thousands of young people, is waiting for graduates who speak languages ​​with open arms. Of course, advertisements can be found in newspapers and on the Internet, and many articles have already reported on the centre's activities, but the target audience can be addressed much more personally.

recruiting IBM

For example, through acquaintances - a significant proportion of jobs are still filled with the help of internal recommenders under the “bring your friend” program. Now the young IBM employees of the Budapest service center are also hitting the nightclubs. The supplies include a large, shiny IBM briefcase, including an HR contact card, brochures highlighting favorable working conditions, an international career opportunity, a multi-ethnic team, a dose of fun, laxity, and the team can embark on a night mission to hunt down the suitable candidates.

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