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Here is the Opera 11.50

Here is the Opera 11.50

Here is the Opera 11.50Opera today released the latest version of its desktop browser, 11.50, also known as the Swordfish.

In recent times, it has been a common practice in Opera development that the semi-version brings the "big guns", i.e. the display engine (Presto) comes with serious innovations. Presto has indeed changed its version number and is already at 2.9.168, although in the past a decimal jump involved much more significant changes. Now, changes have mainly been made in relation to HTML5: in addition to the time and history elements, support for the dataset, indeterminate and classList attributes has also been integrated. In addition to these, DOM event management and CSS execution were also developed. In the case of the latter, the speed of processing increased by 10-15%.


Opera's interface has also been revamped. The Featherweight project aims to make Opera not only fast and easy, it looks good. Of the results of the first phase, the completely replaced set of icons and the light blue color scheme deserve to be highlighted, which is quite reminiscent of the appearance of Chrome. Another new feature in the new version is the Speed ​​dial accessories appearance. In addition, of course, a lot of bug fixes will be included in Opera 11.50, including the M2 correspondent.


Opera 11.50 comes via an automatic update to the existing Opera browser, but is available for download about our server is.


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