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IBM has released a free office software package

He was also replaced by a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation builder in IBM Lotus Symphony.

On September 19, European time, IBM made the latest IBM Lotus Symphony enterprise suite of enterprise-class software, including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation, available to everyone, whether private, business, public, or educational. designer.

IBM has released a free office software package

You can also create a PDF document directly from a text editor. Symphony runs on both Linux and Windows operating systems. It handles Microsoft Office and the increasingly important open document-based Open Document Format file formats, making collaboration and information exchange seamless.

IBM has released a free office software package

Using ODF frees users from the hassle of having to pay royalties or royalties unnecessarily in the future just because they need software that can handle file formats that are obsolete and used by few by then.

IBM has released a free office software package

Péter Rehus, director of IBM Hungary's software business, said that one of the most important features of the Symphony package in a corporate environment is that it can be easily integrated with your own unique applications or company management systems thanks to the standard input and output formats. "Users cannot be trapped indefinitely Market competition requires increased efficiency, high levels of collaboration and innovation performance, which requires standard, easily customizable, flexible software”Said Péter Rehus.

The software package can be downloaded at from the side.

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