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E-byte lasts a children's day, with 5 springs the player's irons are lighter

E-byte lasts a children's day, with 5 springs the player's irons are lighter

Even before it arises in anyone; no, there is no mention of sponsorship content, we just caught our eye on this curiosity.

E-byte lasts a children's day, with 5 springs the player's irons are lighter

On the occasion of Children's Day, E-byte, a trader of used computers, surprised the good people with some discounts. It is important to note that the discount only applies to the configurations in the so-called “AMD APU Gaming” and “Player Corps” categories, but there the palette is quite wide - the cheapest set will cost just over 20 forints.

We consider the following offers to be worth noting:

The above list was, of course, based on subjective considerations, the computers are guaranteed by E-byte for one year - if there is gas, the dead iron will be brought by a courier.

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