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Google is the center of the world !?

If Google were to distribute its assets to its employees, it would cost $ 1,4 million per capita. With this amount, it is well ahead of Apple and even Microsoft!

It was born in 1995 from a debate between Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The young people were averse to each other, both of whom took a different view of what is the fastest and most accurate search technology in a huge database. In 1998, they put together a completely new search algorithm and then sought funding for their work…

The company no longer operates in a friend’s dusty garage, but has become one of the world’s leading companies! If we were to distribute the full value of Google among our employees, it would cost about $ 1 million 380 per capita!

Google is the center of the world!

With this huge sum, the company occupies a leading position among IT companies. The rate of development is illustrated by the fact that two years ago this amount was only 210 thousand dollars. The number of "Google workers" in July 2010 was exactly 21 people, so Google's assets already exceed the dream limit of 805 billion!

Google is the center of the world!

Apple and Microsoft are on the podium in the list, respectively, but Google’s dominance in this area is outstanding. The increase in wealth is apparently also due to the acquisition of Youtube and the revenue it has received since then.


Google is the center of the world!

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