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Google: "Honeycomb is for Tablets Only"

According to current news, Android 3.0 will only be available for tablets.


No matter how much we expect, PDA owners will have Google’s Android 3.0 variant, fancy the name Honeycomb, according to the search giant, only Netboard owners will be able to enjoy the new version.

The Android Honeycomb, introduced by Google a few days ago, is beautiful, good and special, but according to today's information from the double "o" company, (officially) the new system will only get Tablets with higher resolution than PDAs the update.
Google explained that the 3.0 honeycomb was directly optimized for higher resolutions and screen diagonals, and porting to PDAs would be cumbersome and unnecessarily unnecessary.

Google "Honeycomb is for Tablets only \ '\' \ '\'

Later, however, Andrew Kovács, a spokesman for Google of Hungarian descent, tried to alleviate the despair with good news: even if the system itself is not, most of the new features will be available on previous systems. Unfortunately, Andrew didn't talk about what the "previous systems" cover. So we don't know if it only includes Gingerbread, or maybe Froyo, maybe even Éclair.

However, this statement also raises future questions: will the double giant "o" permanently separate the Android versions for Tablets and PDAs, or will it continue porting to different resolutions at a later date? In any case, Google will it fought precisely against "fragmentation": that is, it wanted to create a completely unified operating system that was the same on all devices. However, if you really separate the Tablet and PDA line from Honeycomb, you will end up at odds with yourself after all.

Google "Honeycomb is for Tablets only \ '\' \ '\'

What’s even more interesting is that the “splitting” of the Android OS is that Google’s brand new development, Google TV with an operating system that also supports Internet access, may receive one of the Android systems in the future. a droid series will be created specifically for Google TVs, which in turn would mean a permanent breakup of the Android system, whether it’s a problem or not, it’s up to everyone to decide for themselves!

Google "Honeycomb is for Tablets only \ '\' \ '\'

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