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Updated: Serious bugs in the new iPhone?

On the day of its release, two serious bugs were also discovered on Apple’s latest device.

The distribution of the iPhone 4 only started yesterday, and two serious bugs are already being reported by new iPhone owners.

Updated Serious bugs in the new iPhone

The first and biggest mistake is that if you want to hold the device comfortably with your hands, the device will lose the network and the call or internet connection will be lost. The foreign Gizmodo site has started collecting videos of the bug, there are 26 videos of it at the time of writing this news. When the edge of the device is touched, the two antennas are short-circuited, which is certainly the cause of the problem. The easiest way to solve this error is with a rubber band.

The second error is with the display, the so-called "Retina Display". Several owners indicated that the colors turn yellow at certain points of the panel, typically the lower part. For some, it only appears in a few spots, while others report a yellow streak. As of this writing, 55 owners have reported the problem to Gizmodo.

Updated Serious bugs in the new iPhone


A user wrote a letter to Steve Jobs about the antenna failure, saying the message writer was holding the phone badly. Would the solution to the problem really be to keep our device well? The yellow spots on the display are said by Apple to be because the adhesive hasn’t had enough time to dry since production, but they will disappear within a few days.

Updated Serious bugs in the new iPhone

In any case, it is certain that it will not be good for the company that such serious bucks came to light on the day of the presentation, it is possible that we would have had to wait for the debut.

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