Once upon a time there was a HOC TV
Once upon a time, we were among the first to start producing online TV shows. Contrary to the usual trend today, these were live broadcasts, maybe there will be someone who remembers that we once had an all-day broadcast from the Qwerty Computer store that was still operating at the time. Well, the idea came up to have a sequel, so an intro was done quickly as well.
It is almost certain that there will be no live broadcast. There is no place or time for this, let alone mood. But, there may not be any obstacles to the recorded program, it just takes a little will and energy, and last but not least, it takes time, because that's not easy with a full-time job. So, the point is, just a new intro for now, and then we'll see the sequel!
If you want to get a little nostalgic, you can see old shows here: HOC TV Channel (Youtube)