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More and more people are using Gingerbread

More and more people are using Gingerbread

More and more people are using GingerbreadAccording to the latest report from Google, the number of gingerbread users is growing.

Every month, the search giant makes available the latest statistics on the versions of Android you use. The stats only include devices that have access to the Android Market, so some, mostly Chinese, devices are out of the crowd. The latest report shows that the number of Android 2.3 users has been growing rapidly in the recent past.



As you can see from the two diagrams, Froyo is still used by most users. This is certainly due to the fact that several manufacturers have not yet officially made the Gingerbread update available for their devices, or simply no longer even plan to make it available for some older models. However, the good news is that the number of users of the latest version is growing so fast. We’ll see what the future holds and when Gingerbread will take the lead. Tips are welcome in the comments!

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