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Unique GTX 260 served by Sparkle

Sparkle has made small but substantial changes to its video card.

Sparkle's new GTX 260 graphics card is based on a custom-designed printed circuit board: the multiple phases used in the vGPU and vMem circuits, as well as the use of solid electrolytic capacitors from Japan, both have a beneficial effect on the tuning potential of the product. Accordingly, the 576 MHz core, 1242 MHz shading, and 1998 MHz memory clock signals (the latter effective) can be exercised upward as needed.

Unique GTX 260 served by Sparkle

Sparkle redesigned the plastic element that covered the cooling somewhat, and the DVI connectors were also housed on half the size of a metal plate, but Sparkle did not reveal anything about how this, i.e. the presence of vents, affects the temperature of the video card.

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