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A small gift for HOC readers!

A small gift for HOC readers!

No, not a coupon for Gearbest.

A small gift for HOC readers!


So here’s Christmas again, this year we were haunted by the smell of steaming bejgli. Let’s be honest, if we think back to the remarkable moments and memorable moments of Christmas in recent years, the first three will definitely include the festive dinner. What's next? The first day of January, and with it the period of great receptions, can often be traced back to our “Christmas crime”. With this in mind, we have prepared the following training diary for you:

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At first glance, perhaps not all points will be clear in the table, so we will now give some clues to its use. Let's start right with what statistics we can read from it:

  1. average of the reference month for all days (minutes)
  2. average of the reference month calculated for the active day (minutes)
  3. current training completed (minutes) 
  4. current training completed (per hour)
  5. target time remaining (hours)
  6. target time
  7. number of days remaining
  8. daily average required to reach the target time (minutes)
  9. Tabata laps required to meet the target time
  10. the current status of the target time as a percentage
  11. time-proportional status of the target time in the reference month (%) 
  12. expected time based on the active average of the reference month (hours)
  13. Expected closing based on the active average of the reference month (days)
  14. reaching target time in Tabata circles (with daily breakdown)
  15. daily average time per “active time” (16 hours) of a day
  16. average daily time per day (24 hours)

From the list above, the table shows a Tabata training data, as well asEXTRA ” field can be used for data entry - the entry is of course in minutes. The muscle group you want to move has been divided into three parts, abbreviated as follows:

  • ABS (abdominal muscle)
  • LEG (leg muscle)
  • ARM (charisma)

In these fields we do not have to enter the training time completed, but the number of Tabata laps. It’s worth trying out the clickable links, as they take you to Fitness Blender videos that are very familiar with the subject. 


After explaining the basics, let’s get to the actual use; First, download the document, then push it up to your Google Drive and open it. When associating, select Google's online document editor, then simply close the pop-up window, and immediately after that you'll see that the service has generated an editable version.

tabata diary

After the above, we first determine how many hours we want to move in a given month; click in the G40 field and enter the time you want to reach in hours - this is 31 by default, which is one hour a day. As we can see, we can immediately read from the table how many Tabata laps this means in monthly and daily terms, and we will also receive a number of feedbacks on our progress. Maintaining motivation in the long run has been solved with some conditional formatting, here we already leave the joy of discovery to our Readers.

Well, that would be help against the pounds picked up at Christmas, we wish everyone good “fun”!

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