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G DATA flashed rough numbers

G DATA flashed rough numbers

More than 3 million new Android pests were discovered by researchers in 2017, 700 of which tried to get into Google’s official app store, according to German G DATA.

G DATA flashed rough numbers

According to data now released, although slightly fewer new pests were discovered by researchers in 2017 than a year earlier, the number of android viruses is still high: 3 new samples were registered (in 002, this number exceeded 482 million ). Experts from the virus protection company found an average of 2016 new malicious applications a day.

The high number of Android pests can also be explained by the popularity of the operating system: in the last quarter of 2017, 68 percent of European smartphones used the Android operating system. Globally, the rate is even higher, with 73 percent of smartphones being Android.

It's hard to upgrade

The other concern is that most handsets will never be upgraded because it is too much of a task for handset manufacturers and consumers will switch phones before waiting for the new release. However, security vulnerabilities are discovered on a monthly basis, making non-updated phones more vulnerable to attack.

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