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Challenge24 - 13th International 24 Hour Programming Competition

Together with the Hungarian Association of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Students (MAVE), it is organizing its annual programming competition, Challenge24, with the main support of SAP Hungary.

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Challenge24 is one of the largest and most prestigious competitions in Europe, with 21 teams from all over the world entering the week a week before the February 250 entry deadline. at. Teams of three students and already professional programmers will be able to advance to the Budapest finals from the five-hour internet pre-selection on February 2013, 23, which will take place on April 26-28. organized by the association.


Teams participating in Challenge24 need fast and accurate coding skills during the competition, as well as math, networking, artificial intelligence, algorithm theory and computer graphics skills, as well as well-functioning teamwork. During the five hours of the semi-finals, the organizers will issue 6-8 tasks requiring different knowledge, so an effective division of labor is essential for good performance.


Many foreign universities are also offering their students this year, as well as a number of companies in addition to SAP, so in addition to the founder of the competition, Fornax, Google, Skype and Yahoo also support the competition internationally.


Challenge24 has also seen an increase in the number of the world’s best programmers in recent years, with members of one of the largest programming community portals (TopCoder) with the best leaderboard scores, for example, regularly participating in this year’s competition. In addition to the rings belonging to the tradition of the traveling cup and Challenge24, the winners and place winners of the competition can expect valuable object prizes this year as well.


You can apply until February 21 on the competition website:

About the Author


Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.