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Did you have the idea for the iPad in 2000 ?!

According to Steve Jobs, a tablet was developed as early as 2000

Steve Jobs is a man of surprises. Today, we are used to accumulating success with success with his ideas and violent strategy. This is also evidenced by the iPad’s record-breaking sales volume. At the D: All Things Digital conference on June 2010-1, 3, Jobs came as another surprise. He said the operating system, which debuted on the iPhone, was created back in 2000 to develop a tablet. When the development engineers presented their idea, Steve Jobs saw almost immediately the potential inherent in it, i.e., that a mobile phone could be developed from it. Because he saw a greater opportunity in this, Apple redeployed all the intellectual and material resources from the tablet project to design the iPhone.

The Wall Street Journal has held its digital conference every year since 2003. One of the big announcements at this year’s conference was for Steve Jobs. The Apple chief explained at the conference that as early as the mid-2000s, they began thinking about developing a touch-controlled tablet, not to mention the desire to replace the use of the keyboard with a touch-sensitive display. When the design process came to a feasible phase, Jobs decided it was worth trying their new-baked idea in the emerging smartphone market. The decision was indeed a great and marketable choice as iPhones kicked off another and ever-increasing arc of Apple. After concreting the success of the iPhone, the development of the iPad was almost a breeze, as the vast manufacturing and software development experience of the iPhone / iPod line ensured success in advance, but the magnitude of which was not even expected by Apple.

The idea for the iPad was already in 2000! __ ADDRESS CORRECTION__

Of course, journalists have questioned, among other things, whether iPad-like tablets might be suitable to replace notebooks. Steve Jobs responded to the suggestion quite cautiously. He explained that traditional PCs today are in decline as opposed to easy-to-use and portable devices. Growing new generations are no longer bound by the habit, as they were mostly raised on notebooks instead of desktops, and use touchscreen smartphones.

"This far-reaching change may be unusual for some people, especially those who grew up in the desktop world. However, development has already started in this direction. We don't know whether the future will be the direction of the iPad or tablets with a similar design. I don't even know if this will happen next year or many years from now?!? No one knows, but one thing is certain: we are moving in this direction," Steve Jobs answered the question.

In my opinion, the netbook market is definitely threatened by iPad-like tablets, but of course they can’t really be used for more serious work in their current state, even with very strong compromises. However, it is also certain that it would be pointless to question their raison d'être, as they belong to the sphere of interest of a completely different layer of users, satisfying completely different needs than netbooks.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

The idea for the iPad was already in 2000! __ ADDRESS CORRECTION__

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