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The internet will not forget!

A program has been launched for more conscious use of the Internet by high school students.facebook board_game.0_cinema_960.0The first lecture for young people was on Monday at the Károly Gundel Vocational School for Hospitality and Tourism in the capital.

Prior to the first presentation, Monika Balatoni, KIM's Secretary of State for Social Affairs, drew attention to the fact that school violence, verbal and cyberbullying had already claimed many lives and were a difficult process in which the family and schools had to take part. , and also to the government. As he said, the family’s responsibility is to get children to sample the way they handle conflicts, and it is up to educators to recognize the physical abuse and verbal abuse found in almost every classroom in the school environment.

The program is also needed because young people who already use the Internet for several hours a day do not even appreciate that the information, personal data, photos they share are not only available to them, and they are not aware of what they have uploaded to the Internet. , will last forever, cannot be deleted, and the information they share about each other can be misused.


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