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Xiaomi Holds 3rd Generation Bottom Selfie Camera (with Video)

Xiaomi Holds 3rd Generation Bottom Selfie Camera (with Video)
Xiaomi’s phones will soon be truly frameless.

Xiaomi Holds 3rd Generation Bottom Selfie Camera (with Video)

The self-contained camera under the glass was just like the fingerprint reader under the glass. We’ve been waiting slowly for years, but still nowhere. However, in the background, development is steady, so several manufacturers are already in the many generations, it is true that they are still not suitable for sending them into series production.


The problem is not caused by the camera itself, as in principle it does not have to be different from traditional cameras. The source of the problem is the display. In order for the development to start, it was necessary for the production of AMOLED panels to become cheap and to spread in telephones as well. AMOLED is the only one currently available that can be used to place the camera under glass at all.


This is because AMOLED does not require the use of backlighting (which would be obscured by the camera), each pixel acts as a separate light source. The AMOLED panel looks transparent to the naked eye, but it still isn’t. The wiring runs beneath the surface, and there are also light sources, which means the camera sees much less from the outside world than if it were built smoothly into the frame.

To solve this problem, engineers need to approach the problem from two directions. On the one hand, optics and cameras must be manufactured that have a better aperture than before, and on the other hand, AMOLED panels must be made that transmit more light. By combining the two developments, it is possible to avoid having to give up on the currently usual quality.


Xiaomi is already on track for its third generation solution and it very much seems that their product is slowly becoming market mature. At the very least, this suggests that this generation is already being promoted, so we also got a short video of just over half a minute from them. We are curious to see if the new solution will be included in their new high-end phones, which will be introduced next year.

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source: 1.

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Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.