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The coolest do it yourself Christmas trees!

The coolest do it yourself Christmas trees!

Become a real geek, don't cut down a tree for Christmas!

The coolest do it yourself Christmas trees!


There are a thousand other methods, we show the best ones below.


A simple white painted wooden frame, plus some decorative lighting. Okay, we're going to show even better than that!

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C01


If we have a floor lamp, with some creativity we can turn it into a Christmas tree in a matter of moments. As you can see, it didn’t exactly become a classic tree (because of its color), but who said we should definitely stick to the color green? The raw material will, of course, be cardboard, so it’s not an expensive project.

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C02


Very unique, very modern, very cool. Simply glue the pine branches to the right length slats and then place the whole thing on the wall as shown in the picture. 

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C03


An environmentally friendly version of the former method when using colored papers. This is also pretty flashy, maybe even easier to do.

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C04


The puzzle style is also winning though! Now we create the Christmas tree from colored triangles, with enough patience the following end result can come together.

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C06


It’s going to be a little more complicated now, but that doesn’t look bad anyway either. In principle, we can see PVC pipes in the picture, so this would be the basis, plus the additional decoration, which could even be a traditional Christmas tree decoration. That’s pretty cool, too, it just seems pretty macerate.

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C07


Again, not an overly complicated method is coming. You can even pull out a sufficiently long string of Christmas tree lights as if it were the Christmas tree itself. Okay, that sounded a little silly right now, check out the picture below!

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The edge fighter of the minimalist style can be seen below. This manifestation of abstract thinking is practically manifested in the joining of two triangles, with proper decoration, something can even come out of it. Maybe.

10 DIY creative Christmas trees to decorate your home C09

What will the Christmas tree look like for you this year?

Source: Gearbest

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