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Hitachi exits the PC market!

It was decided at Hitachi, the PC division is unprofitable, so it will be eliminated.

As Hitachi focused exclusively on the Japanese market with its personal computers, neither the European nor our domestic IT market will be significantly affected by this move. According to surveys by the MM Research Institute, Hitachi shipped about 580 PCs in one year, making it the eighth in the sales rankings, ahead of renowned companies such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, or the NEC also suffering.

Hitachi exits the PC market!

Hitachi is reallocating energy and money to PCs and investing in much more lucrative businesses. There is a wide choice, after all, the product range of the Japanese company is very wide, from rice cookers to production in hard disks to nuclear energy, they are present in almost all areas. Hitachi's revenue from personal computers was less than 1% of the total.

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