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In 2012, Kinect will be coming to Windows

In 2012, Kinect will be coming to Windows

In 2012, Kinect will be coming to WindowsMicrosoft has finally announced Kinect for PC, which will also provide a beta SDK for developers.

Ever since Apple introduced voice control, i.e. Siri, to the iPhone 4S, Microsoft has also been involved in the development of its motion controller. This time they have fulfilled their long-awaited "duty", the Kinect known from XBOX 360 will be available for Windows in 2012. Of course, it is optimized for computer use, for example, we are sitting in front of a display not as big as a television, so the minimum detection distance of ~150 centimeters is reduced to 50 centimeters, so we will see what is happening on the monitor. On the other hand, the device also gets a USB connection and other hardware optimizations, but these are still unknown. The first developer SDK is now available, so soon we will be able to scroll through documents with gestures and have a similar gaming experience as on a console.


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