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Xiaomi JIMMY BX7 Pro - The brand new mite vacuum cleaner has arrived

Bazi has a powerful engine and a lot of methods to wipe out the bastards!

Xiaomi JIMMY BX7 Pro - The brand new mite vacuum cleaner has arrived

Today, the better upright vacuum cleaners already come with a mite suction head. This is a motorized vacuum head, similar to the floor head, only with smaller and longer bristles on the motorized roller brush. The manufacturers say that with these brushes we can destroy and absorb 99 percent of mites, fungi and other microscopic "pets".

That’s a pretty impressive figure, as the Xiaomi Jimmy BX7 Pro says its efficiency is 99,99 percent, and the difference is less than a percent. This is pretty weird, or the stationary vacuum cleaner is very efficient, or Jimmy’s other methods aren’t worth anything. Well, I don't think any of those statements are true.

The thing is, the Xiaomi Jimmy BX7 Pro introduces two other very effective ways to help wreak havoc. One is UV light and the other is heat. UV light, as we know it, destroys all viruses, fungal spores, and other bacilli, quite simply destroying the protein structure of these creatures, so in short and marrow, they are all destroyed. The other powerful weapon is heat, the BX7 Pro with a constant 60 degree Celsius air to cut out a lot of little bastards.

Of course, this would not be enough, because we also need some strong physical influence to remove the dead bodies, excrement produced before their death and the like from the upholstered furniture, because if we don't do this, we leave a lot of household dust in the fabric of the furniture, which is, to put it mildly, allergenic. . So this machine, this Jimmy BX7 Pro, has an extremely powerful 700 watt motor, and of course we also have a motorized roller brush that brushes and "taps" our upholstered furniture while cleaning.

So the point is, I think it’s out of the question that there’s only a 7 percent difference between the efficiency of a plain mite head and the Xiaomi Jimmy BX1 Pro, and if they go wrong somewhere about efficiency, it will be more in the area of ​​plain mite heads. So if you’re allergic, if you keep an animal in the apartment, if you simply have a lot of upholstered furniture, the Jimmy BX7 Pro was invented for you. This is especially true if you also have allergies in your family, this machine can really help them a lot.

If you decide to sign up for a BX7 Pro, know that Geekbuying is now launching a JIMMYBX7PRO You can get more for 51 forints with a cupcode. There are no shipping costs, the warehouse is low, so you don't have to pay VAT, customs clearance fees or anything else. You can buy the machine by clicking on the link below:

Xiaomi JIMMY BX7 Pro vacuum cleaner

About the Author

Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.

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