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Roborock H7 - stationary vacuum cleaner for all ground well

The name Roborock is best known for laser robots, but lately we’ve seen more of them as well.

Roborock H7 - stationary vacuum cleaner for all ground well

For example, a stationary vacuum cleaner! The Roborock H7, like their robotic vacuum cleaner, wants to be the best. 420 watts of power, 160 AW of suction power, large battery. Of course, the obligatory OLED display at the premium level could not be missed either, but in the case of the H7 we cannot even call these extra.

There’s some perverted beauty in trying to sell bag-standing operation as a shocking novelty in the case of a stationary vacuum cleaner. Let’s say it’s a fact that there isn’t a single competitor in the market that knows that. Fortunately, a dust bag is optional, just a useful option. But what makes it useful?

Well, the Roborock H7 will be most enjoyed by those with allergies. With the dust bag, on the one hand, we get a well-functioning filtration, on the other hand, the cleaning of the machine also becomes dust-free. The mouth of the bag closes automatically, of course, when we take it out of the machine, so there is no chance of dust or pollen escaping.

However, as I said, a dust bag is not mandatory, just an option. We also get the option of traditional, bagless use, but this is also bubbling up. The air leaves through no less than 5 filters, so the dust filter system is able to operate as efficiently as an air purifier. In practice, this means that for 0,3 microns everything is filtered out, ie it is kept inside the dust container.

In addition to serious air cleaning performance, the manufacturer highlights one more thing in the brochure, and that is the wall mount. Not only the machine, but also the accessories can be placed on it, with the help of a magnet. That is, removing and replacing the accessory has become easier than ever.

Unfortunately, quality and knowledge come at a price. The price of the new roborock H7, now from EU stock, can reach $ 450 with a coupon. If you want good and have so much money for a stationary vacuum cleaner, you suspect you won’t regret it if you choose to!

Buy at the following link:

roborock H7 vacuum cleaner - coupon code: ROBOROCKH7


About the Author

Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.

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