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Rumors of a Geforce GTX 780 and GTX 770 case

The Fuji raised a couple of interesting, say, opportunities.Rumors in the Geforce GTX 780 and GTX 770 Cases 1 Rumor has it that NVIDIA will launch the GeForce 700 series soon (end of May). The flagship of the series will be the GeForce GTX 780. This video card is, of course, designed to replace the GTX 680, which will surely succeed with the GK110 GPU. The stuff is actually called Titan LE may. 

The smaller variant, the GeForce GTX 770, can get the GK104-425 insert, which can be considered as a crease-stitched solution - the GTX 670 can still be endowed with some optimization and clock raising.

The real generation shift may run under the GeForce GTX 800 name, but it’s only expected next year. 

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