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Coronavirus - The situation is deteriorating in South Korea, Samsung has closed the Galaxy Fold plant

Unfortunately, this week the Coronavirus will dominate the news, South Korea is still the topic today, but it may be Europe tomorrow.

Coronavirus - The situation is deteriorating in South Korea, Samsung has closed the Galaxy Fold plant

The epidemic is spreading rapidly in South Korea, so much so that outside of China, most confirmed cases have now occurred here. There is nothing to be surprised about this, since the virus appeared in a Christian church, and these should be imagined more like the Church of Faith in our country, not like a Catholic church. Many thousands or tens of thousands of believers pray at the same time in huge "churches", and this is really a hotbed of infection.

Yesterday's news that South Korean President Moon Jae Sunday issued an alert at the highest possible level and ordered action similar to that of China. In practice, this means that entire parts of the country can be closed, quarantined, and public transport and transportation will be suspended. If that happens, production will stop in a lot of plants like in China, and since South Korea is home to a lot of itech companies, we will soon feel the effects. Warehouses are running out, parts supply will be disrupted if it is not completely cut off, so more serious problems can be expected in telephone, PC, notebook, and other areas.

One of the first signs of this may be that Samsung has temporarily closed its rubber plant, where their foldable phones, the Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Z Flip, are being made for the most part. Rubber is quite close to Daego, the epicenter of the infection. The reason for the closure was that one of the workers in the factory was confirmed to be infected. Samsung stated in a statement that:

The company self-quarantined colleagues who had come into contact with infected employees and took the necessary steps to examine them for possible infection.

For now, Samsung’s display and chip manufacturing divisions in other parts of the country will not be affected by the closure, but as the situation changes from day to day, anything can happen. For now, we can only hope that the crisis measures taken by the South Korean government will be effective.


More coronavirus news here.

About the Author

Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.

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