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Demonstration and test of 35 fans

Details of our test participants

As I promised in December, I would cut my ax into big wood, trying to put together a correct, gap-filling article about fans. Unfortunately, not all known types fit into the test, but we still don’t have to complain, as we managed to collect no less than thirty-five types of aerators, and that’s more than enough, almost a daunting amount. I’m sure I won’t be bored in the next few days while I’m writing the article.

Let’s see what our readers can expect from this article. In the first step, we will cover the bearings a bit, as this is one of the most important moments when choosing a fan. The second, of course, is the price, but we don't know what to do with it either. One thing we can do is try to figure out which type is worth the price.

The second step will be to introduce the fans. We will try to cover every detail, and we will also provide you with an accurate nameplate for each type. In addition, we turn on the vents and try to form a subjective opinion.

The third step will be measurement. What we can certainly measure is the air delivery of the fans. What we’re going to get in a bit of trouble with is measuring noise, but we’ll try to do that too, we’ll see what comes out of it. We will cover the measurement process later, on the measurements page.

Finally, there will be a summary in which we will award the prizes. Here, of course, we try to take stock of prices, performance, and everything else to find out what our readers can spend their money wisely on. At the end of the article, we will even compile a summary table that will show the factory data and prices side by side.

There is nothing left but to slam into the keyboard and start the article or read the warning in the next paragraph!

We would like to draw the attention of all our dear readers to the fact that the following pages of the article should only be read if they are really interested in the topic. The following pages feature extremely dry writing with plenty of sound-mimicking words that can turn the reader into mild boredom and depression on cloudy days. Neither the author of the article nor HOC Kft. Can take responsibility for the health problems that arise! 

About the Author

Owner of the website. He is the author of hundreds of articles and thousands of news. In addition to various online interfaces, he has written for Chip Magazine and also for the PC Guru. For a time, he ran his own PC shop, working for years as a store manager, service manager, system administrator in addition to journalism.

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