Due to the size of the MUDIRO MR50, it would be enough even for a smaller household.
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Years ago, I already had a small car fridge/freezer. I fell in love with her. It was small, it was light, and the temperature in the refrigerator traveling in the trunk could be adjusted even from the passenger compartment and from the phone. It could be used as a simple refrigerator, but it also worked as a freezer, so I could take the chicken legs from home to Balaton in a frozen state.
Even though I fell in love with it, it had to go, because honestly, I didn't use it much. The few trips I would have used it for were not worth the expense to me. So, with a heavy heart, I realized that I don't need to buy this right now.
However, times change, I moved from the capital to the western part of the country, I finally managed to set up my home office, so a lot of things have changed around me, and the purchase of a car cooler became justified. You will find out why in this article, as well as what I chose and why!
Unpacking and exterior
We don't have to spend much time on the packaging and accessories. The cardboard is completely simple, no colorful pictures or similar stuff. Adequate shock protection inside and the MUDIRO MR50 itself in a nylon bag. That's it. There is one thing to keep in mind when unpacking. When the refrigerator has arrived, don't turn it on immediately, wait a few hours! The manufacturer asks for a 24-hour wait before first use.
Why should you wait to turn it on:
In compressor refrigerators, the refrigerant is gas. In the cooling circuit, we can separate four essential parts, the compressor, the evaporator (this cools), the condenser (here the heat removed from the inside is released) and the flow valve.
What many people do not know is that in this system there is not only gas, but also oil, namely in the compressor. Due to the construction of the compressor, under normal use, the oil collects at the bottom of the compressor, and during operation, this oil lubricates the parts of the compressor.
During transport, if, for example, the refrigerator box is turned upside down, this oil can enter the cooling circuit, the above-mentioned evaporator. If the machine is switched on at this time, the oil can cause blockages that can only be prevented by breaking the cooling circuit. So, when the box has arrived, let it rest so that any oil that may have reached the cooling circuit can trickle back into the compressor.
There aren't many accessories either. We get the screw-on tabs, one of them also has a fold-up tab, so we can pull the crate behind us on its wheels. We get an external power supply for 220 (230) volt operation and we get one for car use, this of course has a cigarette lighter plug.
There is one more accessory, but it is included in the box, a dividing wall that allows us to divide the refrigerator compartment of the box into two parts.
Paper form
Ok, well, we're beyond commissioning, let's see what this box can do according to its manufacturer!
What I think is most important is that the MUDIRO MR50 is a compressor solution, which means that the principle of operation is practically the same as that of a regular refrigerator or chest of drawers. Of course, there are also absorption refrigerators for household use, they do not have a compressor. The refrigerant in the MUDIRO MR50 is R600a.
It is also important that the Peltier battery solution is very common in car coolers. In practice, this covers an element whose current causes one side to cool down and the other side to heat up. In other words, the heat absorbed from one side is released on the other side.
It's simple, it doesn't contain any moving parts, but its efficiency isn't steely at all. A Peltier cooler will never freeze, but in the summer, when it's hot, it even has trouble keeping the drinks and food inside cool. At the same time, they are not useless either, you just have to know their limitations.
The compressor refrigerator, MUDIRO MR50, can also cool in the range between -20 ℃ and +20 ℃. In English, it can also freeze the products stored in it, if we need it. In other words, if you put a frozen product in it, it won't thaw until you get home.
The MUDIRO MR50 itself has the usual polyurethane foam insulation, its dimensions (55 liter version) are 726 x 390 x 513 millimeters, and its weight (55 liter version) is 14,9 kilograms. So, as you can see, we are talking about quite a large structure, but this is what I needed.
There is also a 35-liter version of the chest, obviously with smaller dimensions and a weight of 13,2 kilos, the other capabilities are the same, so I won't break down the article I'm writing, it applies to both the small and the larger chest.
The box can be used from 230 volt mains voltage, 12 or 24 volt direct current. In other words, it can also be used in cars, trucks and buses. And of course also at home, if you need that.
The refrigerator has two operating modes, fast cooling and energy-saving cooling. The former covers a quick freeze, the latter covers normal operation. It is important that, depending on the outside temperature, according to the manufacturer, it will keep the cold inside even if it is switched off for 1-3 hours.
MUDIRO MR50 has 3 levels of battery protection (H/M/L) to prevent the car battery from being completely discharged.
There is a built-in LED light in the chest to facilitate easy use at night.
The partition wall in the crate serves an important purpose. With this wall, we can divide the refrigerator into two parts, one, the larger part, functions as a freezer, and the other, a smaller, normal refrigerator.
It is controlled by the buttons on the top of the MUDIRO MR50. This is the only thing I miss anyway, I wouldn't have felt the Bluetooth control was unnecessary. Not because I want my phone to press me while driving, but to see if, for example, the box's power supply is cut off.
Of course, the buttons can be used to set everything from battery-saving modes to quick freezing. There is also a child lock, so you don't have to worry about something being "accidentally" turned off and the beers freezing to ice in the chest.
Please, that's all the science, now I'll tell you why and how I use the MUDIRO MR50 cooler!
Use and experience
Why did I buy the MUDIRO MR50?
It's not cheap, but for me it will bring its price back slowly, so I didn't just buy it for hobby purposes or to keep my beer cool while fishing (not just because I don't fish). Oh, before I forget, if you have an external battery at home, something with a higher power, you can use it, because when it turns on, it still consumes only 45 watts. But it doesn't work all the time, just like a normal refrigerator turns it on and off.
So, if you have a portable solar panel, you have an energy cube, you can even have a normal refrigerator on the edge of the forest. In other words, your cooler.
Unfortunately, it is a well-known situation for everyone that domestic prices have run a little high. While in the past people came to us from neighboring countries to shop, nowadays we go to others to shop. Me too. It's not just that everything is much cheaper here, because that's not true. There are a lot of good deals, so it might be worth buying detergent and similar items once a month.
In addition to the savings, however, there is also the fact that, if it is not cheaper in the given case, say the cut, I can get better quality for the same price on the other side of the border. So I'm not sure that I'm saving money, I'm simply eating cold meats at cheap domestic prices that I wouldn't take off the shelf at home because of the price. But this is also true for cheeses, ready-made products, say hot dogs, safalade and the like.
So the situation is that we got the hang of buying abroad. We don't go every day, but once a month. As long as it was cold, it somehow didn't occur to me that I would have to think about making sure the food didn't spoil. I somehow assumed it was cold. But on the last trip, it was already a problem to keep the chicken breast and thighs cold, as well as cold meats and the like. So the idea came up, we need a refrigerator.
I hesitated a little, because it is not a small expense, but in the end I decided to buy the MUDIRO MR50. Anyway, I wanted a mini fridge for the office for the summer (I just regretted the money for it), but this way I solved two things with one expense, cut the Gordian knot. I can go shopping for delicious food even in the heat, and I have cold mineral water in the office. This is how to kill two birds with one stone.

The MUDIRO MR50 would also be enough for a smaller home school
Of course we are not the same. Some people are looking for a cooling solution for their motorhome, some people drive trucks and need some cooling there, and some people really just want to keep their beers cold while fishing. Well, the smaller 35-liter refrigerator will surely be enough for him. I didn't dare to buy the little one, I was afraid that it wouldn't be enough. But the MUDIRO MR50 with its 55 liter capacity should be enough for everything!
What was my experience with the MUDIRO MR50?
Well, let's start with the bad stuff. Fortunately, there aren't many, and they aren't too bad either, just enough to mention them.
The manufacturer writes 35 dB of noise during operation, which seemed very little even when reading the specification. Well, according to my measurements, it's not enough, because the MUDIRO MR50 produced 42,3 dB of noise from one meter, or it fluctuated around that. What is really disturbing is that there are very small and hard rubber pads at the bottom of the compressor side, which transfer the vibration to the floor. If I lift the crate, the vibration stops. The noise will not be much less, but it will be much less annoying. This is a mistake that could have been solved with two small silicone pads, I don't like such things so much. Let's say that we can also help with some rubber feet, so the problem can be solved at home.

The noise is a bit bigger than promised.
The other thing I can mention as a negative is the quality of the plastics, which is honestly not an Apple. But it's not bad, it's like a better quality Peltier battery cooler. Actually, I don't need better, it doesn't hurt my eyes, I can feel that the plastic is of a slightly cheaper type. Fortunately, this does not affect the operation in the slightest.
What are the good things?
Perhaps the best thing is that the MUDIRO MR50 can do what the manufacturer promises in terms of cooling. That is, it freezes like the icy north polar wind. Even polar bears would lick all ten fingers from this cold.
Another good point is that I didn't expect much from the boundary wall in the chest. Compared to that, it really works. Minus 10 degrees on one side, plus 4 degrees on other sides of the wall. In other words, you can really do with this little bottle that one side of the chest freezes and the other works as a normal refrigerator.
It's great that it has wheels. It is true that they are not big, but at least they are made of hard rubber, so bringing the full box from the car is not an impossible task.
If I use the MUDIRO MR50 as a normal refrigerator in the office, so I only keep it at 5-6-7 degrees, then the compressor barely works. The chest can really keep this temperature for a long time, the device mostly only turns on when I take out the mineral water to cool myself down a bit, but even then it doesn't last for hours, it cools down to the right temperature in a few minutes.
As I wrote, I bought the 55 liter version. This is approx. it's the size like the small absorption coolers that used to be used in winter (or can you still get them today?). Of course, with the difference that it is a chest, so if you have to pack it with food intended for cooling, the capacity utilization is better.

The MUDIRO MR50 can really freeze
When I go shopping with it, I don't mind humming it in the trunk, I don't risk that, despite the battery-saving solution, I'll somehow end up with a car that won't start. So when I go, the chest works, when I go into the store, I pull it out. Then the crate goes home again.
I don't freeze with it. Cut meat, chicken, pork, etc. it's not even frozen in the fridge at the store, the temperature there will be enough to get home, I'll manage to throw everything into the freezer at home. This is also the case with cold meats, so I don't use it as a freezer. But, I could use it if I wanted to, since I think minus 20 degrees is enough for everything, especially on the road in the car.
I think I've written everything there is to write about the chest. I like. It's true that this is stuff that not everyone needs, but I like to write about things that I need, that come in handy, and I find them useful. And this MUDIRO MR50 chest is like that.
As I mentioned several times in the article, there is also a 35 liter version. I think XNUMX is the lowest size that can still be used sensibly. Half-liter cans of beer can still fit in (I don't write beer because only alcohol can be added, but so that you can compare it to), and possibly liter cans of milk as well.
As usual, the price is at the end of the article. The MUDIRO MR50 a BGf0f1e4 with a coupon code now, at the time of writing this article, HUF 80. This is practically the coupon-free price of the 144 liter version. The delivery is made from a Czech warehouse and is free of charge.
If you feel the 35 liter version is enough, you can also use the BGf0f1e4 coupon code, the price is currently HUF 61. Expected start of delivery for today (June 061, 2024) purchase is July 26, 2024.
Buy by clicking on the link below:
MUDIRO MR30 or MUDIRO MR50 car cooler