JXD 509W - This most pointlessly spent $ 60 will be forever
As I wrote a few days ago, you can click terribly on Chinese online stores. There is simply nothing I can't order, the maximum limit for a click is that I don't want to import a 25-pound piece of iron from China yet, I'd rather buy it at home. One of the coveted objects I know I will buy will be one of the most meaningless at the same time.
Well, it's going to be a drone. Definitely a camera drone, one where I see the camera image live on a display. A GPS would be good, but it’s still a price range that I don’t buy because of the rest of my sanity. Because of this, one or something like this will be:
This stuff is Wifis, we can watch the camera picture on our phone. What I also like is that you can choose split mode in the software, so you can use your phone in a 3D glasses. The camera already knows 720p, which is not going to shoot the movie of our lives, but it is the right resolution. So GPS isn’t included, unfortunately, but it can still float locally or have a one-button landing feature, and the range is 100 meters, which is a starting point. Due to its size and weight, the game will fall into the category at home, so there is no need to take an exam.
The JXD 509W drone can now be ordered from a European warehouse, which means that if we are lucky, we can get it in our hands within a week. The price remains below 60 dollars even with delivery, ie sacc per about 18 thousand good Hungarian forints.
You can find more information here or you can even buy it: JXD-509W