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Lenovo Watch 9 is also on sale

Lenovo Watch 9 is also on sale

You know, this is the clock that wasn't so detailed for a long time presentation we reported.

Lenovo Watch 9 is also on sale


Lenovo Watch 9 - $ 22,89

The watch thanks you very much and has been doing great ever since. The latest OTA update was surprisingly easy to install, with two new energy-saving features released. The first essentially takes the gadget down to the level of a traditional clock, so that in the future it will really only be able to determine the exact time - Lenovo refers to this as the “classic mode”. The second option handles the utility, interrupting communication with the watch exactly. This is likely to be a solution for fast-sinking phones, as some have complained in various forums that the app has a fairly high power consumption.

So far, so far, I can report on these developments and that Watch 9 can be purchased again on Gearbest for the above amount!

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