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ASUS is also advancing in the network devices market

Asustek Computer, the world’s largest motherboard manufacturer, today announced the acquisition of Askey Computer, a Taiwanese-based networking company, through a share exchange.

In the deal, worth about $ 199 million, the company will issue one Asustek share in exchange for every seventh Askey share. Following the transaction scheduled for March 1, Asus' share capital will increase to approximately USD 900 million, or approximately HUF 180 billion.

Last year, Askey shipped more than 12 million ADSL modems, during which time Asus sold three million cable modems. They already count on six million cable modems sold this year, which would give them a 30 percent share, and next year, thanks to the acquisition of Askey, they could achieve a leading position in both the ADSL and cable modem markets.

According to a Taiwanese-funded research firm, Taiwan will produce about $ 2005 billion worth of network equipment in 14,4, a significant increase from last year’s $ 12,9 billion.

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