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$ 100 tablet for students from Marvell

The manufacturer plans to incorporate ARMADA chips into school life with $ 100 ARMADA 600 series tablets. Named Moby, the machine is capable of browsing the web with 1080p videos, 3D media and full Flash content, yet weighs half as much as an average textbook.

Among other things, the vice president of Marvell said that because one of the defining concerns of our time is education and the lack of willingness of young people to continue learning, they need to be persuaded somewhat about easy and simple learning, and Moby can enable this different style of education.

$ 100 tablet for students from Marvell

The device will be available in stores with a 10" display, a 1 gigahertz processor, a "strong" 3D graphics card, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS and full Windows Mobile and Android support. The battery will also be high-powered, but there are no exact specifications yet, so it is difficult to judge what the machine will actually be like, but we hope for the best.

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